Broke bitches and a bacon egger sandwich!
Almost Prepared
Friday, June 9, 2023 - 26 minutes
Happy Pride month!! Victoria is officially on mat leave and apparently she gives off broke vibes for working up until her due date! If someone you HATED got engaged to someone that you know, would you be happy for them?! We go over what would be your red flags and we debate the $10 million dollar snail scenario! Have you ever called 911 on your parents? You're not gonna believe why this 23 year old called the cops on theirs. We go over the top reasons people are embarrassed by their partners while at a restaurant. We brought back fake news, the Florida edition! A woman broke into a restaurant, and what she made is outrageous!! Is Victoria ready for her baby to come? Her husband has to have this ONE thing ready for the drive to the hospital and it's as crazy as you might think.